
By-Election Update  –  January 4, 2024. 

Please direct any inquiries regarding the election to interim Returning Officer Sheila Robertson returning.officer@cupe5678.ca

Campaigning and Campaign Materials

 Please see attached approved campaign material for candidates in the By-election Vice-President – Education.

Darrin Cryderman

David James

Angela Parks-Gibson

Nancy Ripley

All additional campaigning during the campaign timeframe Thursday  January 4 – Sunday January 14th @ 10:00 pm will be done by candidates on their own time, not during work hours.

UCDSB email is not to be used.

Interim Returning Officer

CUPE 5678 Secretary Treasurer Sheila Robertson is serving as interim Returning Officer, as the local does not currently have a member attached to this position. This is a position that should ideally be held by a member of 5678, not an Executive, Steward,  Representative or Trustee member.  If you are interested in serving as the Returning Officer for the remainder of the by-election, please see the ‘Seeking Volunteers for the Election Committee’ below.

Seeking Volunteers for the Election Committee

CUPE 5678 is currently seeking two volunteers to serve on the Election Committee to help oversee the campaigning and voting process.

Volunteers must be members in good standing, cannot be running for any position in the current election, and cannot actively campaign for someone already nominated.

As per Section 9 of the CUPE 5678 By-laws Bylaws – CUPE 5678 One Election Chairperson receives $75 per election.

Voting Period and Process

The vote will be conducted online from Monday, January 15th  to Wednesday, January 17th @ 10 pm. You will receive your ballot to your CUPE email at 12 am January 15th, 2024.  If you do not receive a ballot, email returning.officer@cupe5678.ca requesting a READ receipt.   Please follow up with a phone call to President Erin Hurford 613-342-0434 if you do not get a ballot.


All CUPE 5678 members, including all nominees, are bound by the CUPE Equality Statement. Any violations of the Equality Statement occurring as part of or related to the campaign period or election should be reported to the Returning Officer as soon as possible.

Election Rules

The CUPE 5678 election rules are provided in the CUPE 5678 Bylaws under Article 11: Nomination, Election, Campaigning, and Installation of Officers.

Questions or Further Information

Please direct any and all inquires regarding the election rules or voting process to returning.officer@cupe5678.ca







By-Election Update  –  December 22, 2023


Please direct any inquiries regarding the election to interim Returning Officer Sheila Robertson returning.officer@cupe5678.ca


  1. Nomination Results – Nominations closed Wednesday, Dec. 20 @ 10 pm.


Shelly Crowe – Acclaimed


Vice-President – Education

Darrin Cryderman

David James

Angela Parks-Gibson

Nancy Ripley


Where a nominee has been acclaimed, that person will automatically be appointed to the position without an election and will not appear on the ballot.


  1. Interim Returning Officer

CUPE 5678 Secretary Treasurer Sheila Robertson is serving as interim Returning Officer, as the local does not currently have a member attached to this position. This is a position that should ideally be held by a member of 5678, not an Executive, Steward,  Representative or Trustee member.  If you are interested in serving as the Returning Officer for the remainder of the by-election, please see the ‘Seeking Volunteers for the Election Committee’ below.


  1. Seeking Volunteers for the Election Committee

CUPE 5678 is currently seeking two volunteers to serve on the Election Committee to help oversee the campaigning and voting process.

Volunteers must be members in good standing, cannot be running for any position in the current election, and cannot actively campaign for someone already nominated.

As per Section 9 of the CUPE 5678 By-laws Bylaws – CUPE 5678 One Election Chairperson receives $75 per election.


  1. Voting Period and Process

The vote will be conducted online from Monday, January 15th  to Wednesday, January 17th @ 10 pm. You will receive your ballot to your CUPE email at 12 am January 15th, 2024.  If you do not receive a ballot, email returning.officer@cupe5678.ca requesting a READ receipt.   Please follow up with a phone call to President Erin Hurford 613-342-0434 if you do not get a ballot.


  1. Campaigning and Campaign Materials

There is to be no campaign material used that has not been submitted to the Returning Officer.  Campaigning material to reach the Returning Officer by January 3rd, 2024 @ 12:01 am.  Campaigning material must be sent via email to returning.officer@cupe5678.ca requesting a READ receipt.  If a response is not received by 10:00 am January 3rd, 2024 it is the Candidates responsibility to contact the Returning Officer by 4 pm January 3rd, 2024

Returning Officer will post the campaign material received on Facebook and CUPE 5678 website by 4 pm January 5th and email CUPE 5678 member emails from the info@cupe5678.ca email.

Upon approval of campaign material, any additional campaigning can be done by candidates on their own time, not during work hours.  UCDSB email is not to be used.

We encourage all candidates to give due consideration to the way that the size, formatting, or complexity of campaign materials submitted that may make it difficult or impossible for the union to provide wide distribution to the full membership.

If any candidate has any questions about the above, please reach out directly to Returning Officer at returning.officer@cupe5678.ca


  1. Conduct

All CUPE 5678 members, including all nominees, are bound by the CUPE Equality Statement. Any violations of the Equality Statement occurring as part of or related to the campaign period or election should be reported to the Returning Officer as soon as possible.


  1. Election Rules

The CUPE 5678 election rules are provided in the CUPE 5678 Bylaws under Article 11: Nomination, Election, Campaigning, and Installation of Officers.


  1. Questions or Further Information

Please direct any and all inquires regarding the election rules or voting process to returning.officer@cupe5678.ca