To all CUPE 5678 Members:
A number of members may be having an issue with voting during this election. This may be due to an email issue or an issue with being a member in good standing.
You have to have a CUPE email AND you have to be a Member in Good Standing.
You can request a CUPE 5678 email from the website CUPE 5678 Member Registration. This is separate from being a member in good standing.
Please refer to the following link, which explains what a member in good standing means. From this link, you can also access the member in good standing list. Your name must be on this list to vote. If it is not on the list, there is a form attached that you need to fill out and return to Once this is completed you will receive your voting credentials.
It is important for all members to access their CUPE email to check for information not only when there is an event such as elections or bargaining so any issues can be addressed to allow for full participation.